Hi, I’m Mike Lester, host of Guarding Your Nest Egg, a national show about financial planning, investing, taxes, and retirement. I'm also the founder of
Talon Wealth—an advisory firm with offices all around the country.
As a financial industry veteran, I’ve worked with thousands of people in and near retirement, and I’ve seen a lot of bad advice along the way. There are too many financial salespeople masquerading as fiduciaries trying to make a dollar off of your hard-earned money.
I’m on a mission to cut through the noise and provide level-headed, unbiased insights to help you retire better. Our show is unfiltered, unbiased, real-talk about the things that are most important to your financial success.
Guarding Your Nest Egg is broadcast across the country on the radio, and we also offer a podcast and YouTube show.
Subscribe on your favorite platform and learn how you can keep more of your money in retirement and live better.